Association with Menon Economics
Photo: courtesy of Menon Economics
I am delighted to announce that I am joining Menon Centre for Environmental and Resource Economics as an associated partner. This will allow Blue Maia to develop ideas and expand the services we can offer clients in collaboration with a pool of dedicated and brilliant economists.
Menon is a leading economics consultancy based in Oslo, Norway. Their mission is to be the leading centre of competence in Norway within the area of decision-relevant environmental and resource economic analysis, research and consultancy.
Menon works in the area of economic analysis of policies, programs and projects that affect important public goods such as climate and the environment, nature, health and cultural heritage. Central to this work is the use of methods to quantify, assess and value the contribution of such goods to people’s welfare. An important aim is to improve the foundations for public and private decision-making by including knowledge of the complete range of impacts of different alternatives in a coherent way, for example within a cost-benefit analysis framework.